Canton Project Day and Business meeting, Sept 2019

The next canton project day and business meeting will be held on Sunday, Sept 15, 2019 from 3-5pm in Carlisle MA. (Yes, this is the day after the local event.) Our theme(s) will be a bit unusual and very informal this month. We will combine several subjects:

  • “what I did on my SCA summer vacation show-and-tell”
  • “award-writing social” (not sure where to start? have you been meaning to get around to recommending someone for a baronial or kingdom award?)
  • “wiki-palooza” (create your own EK wiki page) — Bring your laptop if you wish. Help will be available.

You may always bring your own quiet project, if you prefer. The project portion of the afternoon runs from 3 to 5pm. Please wear modern clothing, medieval garb is not required to attend this project day. Newcomers welcome, all ages welcome!

Following the Project Day, starting at 5pm, there will be a brief business meeting and a casual potluck dinner. Please bring a main dish that serves 6 to 8. ******Important note: No pork products please!******

If you have any items for discussion at the business meeting, please email Ivan, our seneschal, at seneschal<at>towers<dot>eastkingdom<dot>org

More info, including the address, can be found here on the event’s Facebook page:

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