Here are the notes from today’s business meeting:
- The Seneschal is still looking for parties interested in filling the open Deputy Seneschal position. The role serves as an emergency backup and could potentially step into the position at a future date. No experience required, but some restrictions apply. Interested parties please contact Ivan at
- The proposed canton fiscal policy statement was read and discussed. The following wording was approved by the group:
- “The Canton of the Towers is committed to handling its funds in a fiscally sound manner, in accordance with the policies of the SCA and the Kingdom of the East. Financial expenditures and decisions are made at Canton business meetings, and approved by a simple majority of those present, requiring a quorum of at least 3 resident members. Emergency decisions which cannot wait until the next business meeting may be made ad hoc by a group of at least 3 members, including the Seneschal and Exchequer.”
- Officer reports:
- MOAS: Next project day will likely be October 4. Johanna is still looking for folks interested in teaching that day and on future dates. Please contact her if interested.
- Exchequer: Canton still has money, report was filed for Q2. Q3 reports should be out mid-October.
- Archery and TW practices continue.